#7 Our Bookshelf

Check out Our Bookshelf on the right hand side of your screen, directly under Meta.  This widget was imported from the LibraryThing, an online tool developed for booklovers.  I have added 15 books to our LibraryThing catalogue with at least one of the following tags:

  •  Kogarah (N.S.W.) – History
  • Published ex student
  • St George District – Biography 


There are lots of ways to use the LibraryThing but this blog’s purpose is to highlight the history of the area surrounding Moorefield Girls High School and to promote books published by ex students.  This is a nice way to keep a digital record.  If there are any other books out there that would fit any of the above 3 tags or if you would like to add more information please post a comment.


#7 LibraryThing

Once I decided on a reason to incorporate this tool into my blog along with a selection of books and relevant tags, setting it up was fairly intuitive.  Creating a widget was also fairly straightforward by copying code from the LibraryThing into a Text Widget (title : Our Bookshelf) on my blog.


The readership and popularity of the catalogued books are directly affected by the global nature of this tool.  Most of my selection has low rates of sharing by other members with the exception of those tagged with St George District – Biography.   Unreliable Memoirs by Clive Robertson has 288 hits, some of my books are rated and one book includes a text bubble comment.